Cheatingspouse 1

If your partner has cheated on you, it can be a difficult situation to navigate. Relationships can be uncertain, leaving you unsure of the other person’s actions. However, you can only control your own actions. Whether your partner confesses to the infidelity or you discover it on your own, you may experience a range of emotions, from rejection to betrayal. It’s important to handle this information carefully. Here are some things you should avoid doing:

  • Don’t Break their properties

You are not an animal; don’t start breaking their television, car, or furniture and acting deranged. You lose their respect—I know you might not need their respect—but what of your self-respect? Plus, you could get arrested for it. Don’t be a violent person.

  • Don’t Ask them why they did it

It’s not advisable to allow yourself to be manipulated. The reason why someone cheated on you is not important as they made a conscious decision that was not related to you. If they had issues with the relationship, they should have discussed it with you instead of choosing to cheat.

  • Stalk the person with whom they cheated and ask them to leave your partner for you

Don’t go down the rabbit hole of finding out who the person is, stalking them, or worse, confronting them in person and telling them to leave your partner. Your partner decided to choose them over you; why don’t you ask your partner not to cheat? Why beg them to leave your partner for you? They have no responsibility to you; face the person who is committed to you.

  • Crying and begging them not to leave you

This makes you seem less valuable in their eyes. It’s okay to cry in private or with your friends, but please don’t cry and beg them to their faces or through long text messages. They made their choice, especially if they were asking for a breakup. Accept your loss and move on.

  • Using the cheating incident as a weapon

While it’s natural to feel hurt and angry, avoid using the infidelity as a tool to gain the upper hand in arguments or disagreements. Bringing it up repeatedly in unrelated contexts can be counterproductive.

  • Cheat back

If you find out your partner is cheating or cheated on you, there is no need to cheat back to even the score. Open relationships seldom work. Decide if you want to forgive them or not. If you don’t want to forgive him or her, let them go.

Remember that dealing with infidelity is a highly personal and challenging journey. Seeking professional help, such as couples counselling or therapy, can be beneficial if you want to work through the issues in your relationship or if you need support in coping with the aftermath of cheating. Ultimately, the decision of whether to stay in the relationship or move on should be based on what’s best for your emotional well-being and future happiness.

Benjamin Mensah

By Benjamin Mensah

Benjamin Mensah [Freshhope] is a young man, very passionate about the youth of this Generation. Very friendly, reliable and very passionate about the things of God and all that I do. The mission is to inform, educate and entertain. Feel free to send your whatsapp messages to +233266550849 and call on +233242645676

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