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Autism symptoms reversible — Paediatrician

Symptoms of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) if detected before the age of three, are reversible, a neurodevelopmental paediatrician at the Greater Accra Regional Hospital, Dr Yvonne Nana Ama Brew, has said. She said early screening and observations to detect the condition early would bring about the needed intervention to help in the reversal of the…

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Isaac Adongo1

Stop blaming Covid-19 for your economic mismanagement – Minority tells govt

The Minority in Parliament has slammed the government for blaming the current economic challenges on the Covid-19 pandemic. According to the minority caucus, the government had already mismanaged the economy and plunged the country into a fiscal crisis before the pandemic struck. Commenting on the 2024 Mid-Year Budget Review presentation by the Finance Minister, Isaac…

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