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Pregnant women to undergo mental health screening

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The Eastern Regional Health Directorate is to begin mental health screening for all pregnant women during antenatal care and post-delivery as part of an integrated approach to curb the surge in maternal mental disorders. “The Regional Health Directorate will soon implement routine screening protocols for maternal mental health during prenatal visits, childbirth, and postpartum care. Screening tools should be simple, culturally sensitive, and readily available to all healthcare providers” the Regional Health Director, Dr. Winfred Ofosu stated.

A recent study commissioned by WHO, which examined the prevalence of Postpartum Depression (PPD ) across various healthcare settings in Ghana revealed alarming statistics, with a prevalence rate of 27% among women who delivered at primary, secondary, and tertiary health facilities. Particularly, Bawku recorded a staggering 50.1% prevalence rate of PPD, indicating the urgent need for intervention and support mechanisms.

Maternal mental health (MMH) problems, such as perinatal depression, maternal anxiety, suicide ideation and puerperal psychosis among others, have a serious impact on maternal morbidity and mortality, as well as the health and development of children.

Dr. Winfred Ofosu believes fostering interdisciplinary collaboration between obstetricians, midwives, nurses, psychologists, social workers, and other healthcare professionals working together as a cohesive team, can provide comprehensive support to mothers and address their diverse needs.

The Eastern Regional Health Directorate as part of its commitment to deal with the situation has intensified awareness on maternal mental health. Addressing the participants after a recent float to create awareness on the streets of Koforidua, the Regional Health Director emphasized the critical need for prioritizing mental well-being alongside physical health in maternal care.

Dr. Ofosu underscored the societal significance of maternal mental health, stating that it directly influences the health and development of children, the strength of families, and the stability of communities. Despite its paramount importance, Dr. Ofosu lamented that maternal mental health often remains stigmatized, underreported, and inadequately addressed.

“Every mother deserves the opportunity to navigate the joys and challenges of motherhood with resilience and support,” Dr. Ofosu asserted, acknowledging the multifaceted challenges faced by mothers, including hormonal changes, sleep deprivation, societal pressures, and financial stress.

Dr. Ofosu also averred the importance of community partnerships and policy advocacy to expand access to maternal mental health services and reduce disparities in care. He urged stakeholders to prioritize maternal mental health and envision a future where every mother receives the compassionate care and support she deserves.

Nana Ama Awi, Queen mother of Asokore also Benkumhemaa of New Juaben urged women to speak out about their experiences to dismantle stigma and push for a solution. While blaming the majority of maternal mental health disorders on irresponsible spouses, the queen mother appealed to men to show love and care for their women, particularly during antenatal and postnatal periods.


Source: Ghana/ Ansah


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