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Broadspectrum limited champions innovation and Growth at UGBS 44th Management Week celebration.

Ugbs 44th Management Week

As the 44th Management Week drew to a close, the overwhelmingly positive feedback from participants underscored the event’s success band Broadspectrums’ crucial role. The partnership between Broadspectrum Limited and the University of Ghana Business School has set a new standard for educational collaboration, paving the way for future initiatives that inspire and empower young professionals.

Razak Awudulai, the Group CEO, stated that Broadspectrum Limited recently served as the main sponsor for the University of Ghana Business School (UGBS) 44th Management Week. This event, which focused on leadership and innovation, brought together industry leaders, students, and faculty from across the country, setting a high standard for educational collaboration and community involvement.

He added that this year’s Mentorship Day was supported by a generous sponsorship from Broadspectrum Limited, covering organizational and media expenses and providing refreshments for over 1,000 students.
As a major sponsor, Broadspectrum’s branding was prominently featured in all promotional materials, including flyers, advertisements, newsletters, and event brochures, significantly boosting their visibility and influence…

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