Sexual intercourse has numerous benefits. It can help improve your mood, promote better health, and extend your lifespan. Additionally, sex may have a protective effect against certain diseases and could play a role in cancer prevention. Let’s delve into the various advantages that engaging in sexual activity can provide.
Sex slashes stress
“According to a study published in the journal Biological Perspective, researchers found that participants who engaged in vaginal intercourse before a stressful activity, such as giving a speech or taking a complicated math quiz, experienced lower levels of stress and lower blood pressure compared to those who had no sexual activity, masturbated, or engaged in sexual contact without intercourse.”
Less sex, more work
A study conducted at the University of Gottingen in Germany found that people with a less active sex life tend to compensate by taking on more work. The study involved 32,000 participants who were asked about their sex and work habits. The results showed that 36 percent of men and 35 percent of women who engage in sexual activity only once a week tend to immerse themselves in their work. The study also suggested that having more work can lead to increased stress, which in turn can lead to a decrease in sexual activity, creating a cycle of stress and decreased sexual satisfaction.
Sex is good for your ticker
Intercourse certainly gets your heart beating, but that’s not where the heart health benefits end. A study published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community HealthTrusted Source found that sex can actually decrease a man’s risk for a fatal heart attack. Researchers found that men who had sex two times or more each week were less likely to die from a heart attack than men who had sex less often. The study found no relationship between the frequency of intercourse and the likelihood of dying from a stroke.
Better self-esteem
The sex and self-esteem street has two sides: people who have sex feel good about themselves, and people have sex to feel good about themselves. A study published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior looked at the many reasons humans have sex and found that one of the most common driving factors is the self-esteem boost many get from doing the deed. These same people report that sex makes them feel powerful and more attractive. Also, some people in the study had more altruistic intentions and wanted their partner to feel good about themselves.
Sex relieves pain
Sex can make you feel good in more than one way. There’s the obvious physical benefit, and then the less obvious: pain relief. During arousal and orgasm, the hypothalamus in the brain releases the feel-good hormone oxytocin. Researchers at Rutgers University in New Jersey found that this surge of oxytocin may actually help women feel less pain, especially during menstruation. A study published in the Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine found that oxytocin in men cuts pain perception by half.
Sex protects against cancer
Based on research, men aged 50 and over who have frequent sex are less likely to be diagnosed with prostate cancer than men of the same age who do not have sex often. A study published in the journal “BJU International” found that intercourse and masturbation may reduce the risk of prostate cancer in older men. Another study published in the “Journal of the American Medical Association” found that frequent ejaculations in a man’s 20s may also help decrease his risk of prostate cancer.
Orgasm improves sperm quality
Frequent sex may improve a man’s sperm quality, reduce DNA damage to sperm, and increase fertility. According to the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology, men who had sex daily, or ejaculated daily, had more viable and higher quality semen after seven days than men who did not have sex. The study suggests this approach may help couples with mild fertility problems conceive.
Consider safety
“Sex is an opportunity for couples to explore their desires, connect with each other, and enhance their relationship. It also offers several additional benefits. To maintain a healthy sex life, it’s important to practice safe sex. Use protection, especially if you’re not in a monogamous relationship, and get tested for sexually transmitted infections regularly.”