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Five bodies including three children retrieved in Afram River canoe accident

Afram River Canoe Accident

Five dead bodies including three (3) children have been retrieved from the Afram River in the canoe accident. The devastating incident occurred at approximately 7:20 pm Wednesday, November 8, 2023, near Agyata community in the Afram Plains South district of the Eastern region.

The unfortunate event happened as 12 individuals attempted to cross from Kyireba to Burger Akura along the Afram River. The passengers on the canoe comprised 2 male adults, 4 female adults, and 6 female children. However, the canoe capsized during the journey, resulting in a grim outcome.

Two (2) males, 1 female adult, and 3 female children, totalling 6 individuals managed to escape the tragic fate. Five (5) out of the six (6) missing passengers have been retrieved by the rescue team of Police and NADMO with the support of local fishermen on Thursday.

The five bodies retrieved include three (3) children and two(2) adults. However, efforts are underway to retrieve the last missing person, and the community is rallying together in support.

Source: Ghana/ Ansah


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