Couple Having Argument At HomeCouple Having Argument At Home

If you and your partner find yourselves often blaming each other for issues in your relationship, it might be a good idea to address this problem. Take the time to understand what is causing it and work towards putting an end to it altogether. It’s a dynamic where partners point fingers at each other, attributing faults and shortcomings rather than working collaboratively towards resolution. While it’s a common pattern, indulging in the blame game can erode the very foundation of a relationship, leading to resentment, communication breakdowns, and emotional distance. It can be a challenge to stop the blame game in virtually any relationship, but it is important to do so for both parties. Most people don’t want to be blamed, whether we did something or not.

What is the blame game?

The blame game simply means that one person is blaming someone else for problems or issues that are happening, and they may be blaming the other person that they are in a relationship with. 

For example, your partner may blame you for all the money problems you are experiencing, even if they spend as much money as you do. When you are talking about the blame game in relationships, sometimes the person being blamed for the problem may actually be at fault, but in other instances, they may not be. In other words, when a couple plays the blame game with each other, it may lead to problems because sometimes a person is actually deflecting blame instead of being honest. This can lead to arguments or worse, so you should stop the blame game whenever this is possible.

Understanding the Dynamics:

The blame game typically emerges from a place of frustration, hurt, or insecurity. When faced with challenges or disagreements, individuals may find it easier to assign fault to their partner rather than engage in self-reflection or seek mutual understanding. This pattern can quickly escalate, creating a cycle where both parties feel attacked, defensive, and unheard. Moreover, the blame game often stems from underlying issues such as unmet needs, unresolved conflicts, or unrealistic expectations. Instead of addressing these root causes, individuals may resort to blaming their partner as a way to cope with their own discomfort or dissatisfaction.

Consequences of Playing the Blame Game:

Communication Breakdown: Constantly blaming each other can hinder open and honest communication. When individuals feel criticized or judged, they may become defensive or withdraw from conversations altogether, making it difficult to resolve conflicts constructively.

Resentment and Anger: Over time, the accumulation of blame can breed resentment and bitterness in the relationship. When one partner feels constantly blamed or criticized, it can lead to feelings of inadequacy, low self-esteem, and anger towards their partner.

Erosion of Trust: Blame can undermine trust within a relationship. When partners are quick to assign blame rather than take responsibility for their actions, it creates a sense of insecurity and instability, making it challenging to build and maintain trust.


Breaking the Cycle Blame Game On Relationships:

 Put yourself in your partner’s shoes

When you are blaming your partner for something, imagine how they feel about the situation. Do you want to be blamed for things, even when you do them?  There’s a good chance that you don’t. So, your partner likely feels the same way. Perhaps there is another way that you can handle the situation besides blaming someone. You should also think about what is going on in your mate’s life.

Maybe they didn’t take out the trash or they forgot to call you because they have a big project at work, or they have a sick family member. Consider cutting your partner some slack sometimes, especially when they are stressed or having a hard time in other aspects of their life.

Let some things go

After you talk about what you expect from each other, it may be time to let some of the feelings go that you have been experiencing.  If you consider your mate responsible for certain things that have happened in your relationship and you find out that they actually had a good reason for acting a specific way, consider letting some of these hard feelings go.

This may be a large step to help stop the blame game. Moreover, you should understand that some battles aren’t worth fighting. If your mate forgets to flush the toilet sometimes, don’t blame them for this. Just remember that they do this, so you can be prepared each time you enter the bathroom.  There are some things that your partner does that may never change, and you should think about if these things are serious when you consider your entire relationship.

Don’t take it personally

Sometimes you might think that your mate is doing things on purpose to upset you and make you blame them. There’s a good chance that many of the things they are doing that might get on your nerves are either done by accident or absentmindedly. You can’t expect your partner to know what you want from them unless you express it to them. If you haven’t done that, you shouldn’t take their actions personally unless they are done just to spite you. If you find that they are, you may have larger problems in your relationship.

Practice Self-Awareness

Take a moment to reflect on your feelings, needs, and contributions before engaging in the blame game. Don’t project your emotions onto your partner.

Focus on Solutions

Instead of dwelling on who’s at fault, shift your focus towards finding solutions together. Approach conflicts as opportunities for growth and understanding, rather than battlegrounds for assigning blame.

Use “I” Statements

When expressing concerns or frustrations, communicate your feelings without blaming your partner. For example, say “I feel hurt when…” instead of “You always…”

Practice Empathy

Seek to understand your partner’s perspective and emotions without judgment. Empathy fosters connection and promotes mutual respect, even in the face of disagreements.

Take Responsibility

It’s important to take responsibility for your actions, apologize when necessary, and commit to positive changes. This can break the cycle of blame and foster trust and respect.

Seek Professional Help

If the blame game persists despite efforts to address it, consider seeking guidance from a couples therapist or counsellor. A neutral third party can provide valuable insights and strategies for overcoming destructive patterns in the relationship.


The blame game is a destructive pattern that can poison even the strongest of relationships. By cultivating self-awareness, empathy, and effective communication skills, couples can break free from this cycle and cultivate a healthier, more resilient partnership. Remember, relationships thrive on understanding, compassion, and mutual support, not on pointing fingers and assigning blame. Consider other ways of handling the situation and if they even need to be worked out in the first place.

Are the things that are bothering you a big deal?  Think about all the options you have, if you are doing anything you should be blamed for, or if your relationship could benefit from counselling. All of these things may be able to change how and if you continue to blame each other, which can be a good thing.


By: Benjamin Freshhope Mensah 

Benjamin Mensah

By Benjamin Mensah

Benjamin Mensah [Freshhope] is a young man, very passionate about the youth of this Generation. Very friendly, reliable and very passionate about the things of God and all that I do. The mission is to inform, educate and entertain. Feel free to send your whatsapp messages to +233266550849 and call on +233242645676

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