Thumping youngsters in the head routinely can influence their cerebrum and capacity to work mentally, Dr Hadi MohammAbdallah, a Neurosurgeon at the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital has uncovered.
As indicated by him, rehashed blackouts on a little youngster’s head can cause harm which can prompt lower knowledge. Talking on Starr Chat with Nana Aba Anamoah, the Neurosurgeon said: “Nonstop thumping of the head of youngsters can influence their IQ and can bring about cerebrum injury. your cerebrum is shielded from slamming into your skull by the meninges, in the event that you slam it into something sufficiently hard, that insurance will not be sufficient”.
He further noted: “Regardless of whether you don’t break your skull, the effect may make tissues crack and the mind expand with liquid. This can prompt lasting mind harm, which will mean your cerebrum will not capacity also and your knowledge will be influenced. Guardians ought to be cautious”.
He additionally included that being on the telephone for longer hours may influence your wellbeing. “I will exhort that, don’t put the telephone on the ear rather utilize a headset or earpiece for longer calls. The telephone delivers a few radiations when it gets warmed and that will influence your wellbeing.”
Source: Ghana/ Arthur