The Driver and Vehicle Licensing Authority, DVLA, has cautioned general society to agree with traffic guidelines on the plan and situating of the number plate on vehicles.
The Authority in a joint effort with the Motor Traffic and Transport Department of the Ghana Police in a yet-to-be dispatched crusade, has promised to indict people committing this illicitness.
The DVLA in a proclamation said the correct strategies have been recorded in Regulation 12 of the Road Traffic Regulation, 2012, L.I. 2180, and Regulation 9 of the Road Traffic Regulation, 2012, L.I. 2180 for consistency.
It said accordingly that, “it is unlawful that these plates ought to be messed with”, the assertion added.
DVLA in the proclamation recorded five illicit acts which repudiates the traffic guidelines.
This incorporates the “emblazonment of wrong emblem, utilization of other countries’ banners instead of the Ghana Flag, stressed lettering on the number plate, utilization of shadings that are not quite the same as what is recommended by Law; and the frivolity of number plates with various tones”.
Likewise, “not having fixed number plates on the front and back of vehicles” falls inside the classification.
The Authority clarified that the guidelines to the side “giving a basic one of a kind component on the vehicle to set up possession and an extraordinary recognizable proof for consistency with legal arrangements, the material qualities of the tag likewise incorporate retro-reflectivity and upgrades plate perceivability consequently giving simple methods for recognizing the enlistment data of the vehicle.”
The following is the full public statement
The Management of the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Authority (DVLA). has noted with grave concern the way where vehicle proprietors and drivers adorn their vehicle number plate in fragrant dismissal to arrangements in the Road Traffic Regulation, 2012 (LI 2180).
The illegal activities include the following:
1. Embossment of the wrong insignia
2. The use of other nations’ flags in place of the Ghana Flag
3. Italicised lettering on the number plate
4. The use of colours that are different from what is prescribed by law; and the embellishment of number plates with different colours
5. Not having fixed number plates on the front a. rear of vehicles.
The Authority wishes to remind the motoring public that while Regulation 12 of the Road Traffic Regulation, 2012, L.I. 2180 clarifies that the number plate of an engine vehicle or bike will be decorated with (a) a Ghana banner (b) the country recognizable proof imprint ‘GH., Regulation 7 states unequivocally that an individual responsible for an engine vehicle will fix a number plate (a) in a way that makes the number plate not to be effectively separable, (b) in an upstanding position or inside fifteen levels of that position (c) in a way that makes each letter and figure neatly. Moreover, Regulation 9 of the Road Traffic Regulation, 2012, L.I. 2180 likewise specifies that an individual accountable for an engine vehicle number will fix the two number plates (a) on the front and back sides of the engine vehicle, and (b) on the front and back sides of a trailer.
The Authority focuses on that, as well as giving a basic remarkable component on the vehicle to set up possession and a unique ID for consistency with legal arrangements, the material attributes of the License plate likewise incorporate retro-reflectivity and improves plate perceivability along these lines giving simple methods for recognizing the enlistment data of the vehicle. It is, consequently, unlawful that these plates ought to be messed with.
The staff of the DVLA and the MTTD will, in the following not many weeks, leave upon authorization activities to brace down on these lawless acts. Any driver found punishable, will confront the full afflictions of the Law.